Sunday, May 22, 2011

A New Author Approaches!

Today I was talking with my father, and he agreed to co-author here on Tiny House Dreams with updates on the gypsy wagon(/s) he plans on building this summer. Both of us are new to this thing, so to test to make sure we know how to let him co-author I expect we will have a post from him very soon, just outlining the basics of what he wants to do.
So, my imaginary faithful readers, give a hand to Michael, who will be building things!

Update: We are having growing pains with this 'co-author' thing. My father has put forth a serious effort to post an update of his plans, but we have been thwarted by unfamiliar technology, shoddy internet connections, and ancient computers. However, I am confident that we will be able to have an update quite soon.

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